Reclosers Improving reliability of main overhead lines

Ensuring that there are no faults on the main feeders of distribution lines is a very challenging task due to the complex line conditions.

Maintaining fault-free 10kV distribution lines on the main feeder becomes highly challenging due to the vulnerability of overhead lines to interference from dense tree growth. Single-phase lateral circuits extending into remote areas are connected to the main 3-phase feeder, and any transient or permanent fault on these single-phase branches is likely to trip the main feeder breaker, leading to power outages across the entire service area. Additionally, locating and clearing permanent faults often requires several hours.

To address this challenge, improve customer satisfaction, and minimize revenue loss due to faults, Strong Power decided to install recloser on the line.

Strong Power recloser can clear faults before the main feeder breaker operates and successfully reclose the circuit automatically when a transient fault occurs. In the event of a permanent fault, the recloser can also isolate the faulted lateral circuit until the line crew manually clears the cause of the fault. Meanwhile, customers not affected by the fault continue to receive power.

The customer quickly realized the benefits of the recloser and decided to install Strong Power recloser on as many feeders as possible. Line crews also found the recloser easy to install and the lightweight devices can be easily carried and positioned by bucket trucks. Crews installed using a standard mounting bracket and used the recloser WiFi connection to easily complete setup, final commissioning, and verification while engineers maintained a safe distance.


  • Increases distribution system reliability
  • Easy to install
  • Autonomously programmable
  • Stand-alone or SCADA connected operation
  • Minimal maintenance, very low cost of ownership
  • Environmentally friendly – oil-free design
  • WiFi or radio communication options
  • Lightweight and compact