What is an Overhead Line Recloser?

Overhead line recloser refers to an automatic device that automatically switches on the automatic reclosing switch that has tripped due to a fault as needed. The use of automatic recloser devices in power systems has greatly improved the reliability of power supply and reduced power outage losses. In addition, the device also improves the transient stability level of the power system and enhances the transmission capacity of the line.

Classification of reclosers

According to the reclosing action, it can be divided into spring-operated mechanism and permanent magnet mechanism.

According to the function, it can be divided into three-phase ordinary recloser, single-phase recloser and comprehensive recloser.

According to the composition principle of the recloser, it can be divided into electromagnetic type, transistor type, integrated circuit type and digital type.

According to the number of actions, it can be divided into one-time and multiple times.

According to the automatic circuit recloser, it can be divided into single-power recloser and double-side power recloser. Double-side power recloser can be divided into verification non-pressure recloser, verification synchronization and non-verification.

How to choose the right recloser

The following are selection principles for overhead line recloser

Three-phase ordinary one-time recloser method

This method is suitable for 110kv and below power grids, especially for dense ring networks in centralized power supply areas. After the line trips, it can operate stably without an automatic reclosing device. It is suitable for single-sided power radiation-type lines and is not suitable for the outgoing lines of large units.

Single-phase recloser and comprehensive recloser methods

This method is suitable for 220kv and above power grids. When a single-phase grounding fault occurs, if a three-phase recloser is used, the stability of the system cannot be guaranteed, otherwise a large-scale power outage may occur in the regional system. Alternatively, it can be used when important loads are out of power, especially large-scale high-voltage distribution lines, when single-phase recloser has a better effect on restoring system power.

No-pressure verification or synchronous recloser mode verification

This method is used for lines with electricity at both ends and lines that do not allow asynchronous closure. On dual-circuit lines, you can directly verify whether there is current on the other line to determine the same cycle.

Asynchronous recloser mode

There should be three or more closely connected lines between power plants or power systems running in parallel. The surge current generated by the asynchronous automatic reclosing device does not exceed the specified allowable value, and the power system can quickly resume synchronous operation after recloser. During the oscillation caused by the asynchronous reclosing, the impact on important loads is small.

Strong Power produces 15kv, 27kv, 38kv recloser. If you have any needs, please contact us.